Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Light at the End of the Physical Therapy Tunnel

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I finally can clearly discern the end of the physical therapy process I have been undergoing these last several months.  I went to see my physical therapist at HCMC Parkside Alternative Medicine Clinic this morning.  Yesterday I scheduled a reevaluation of my left shoulder with the physical therapist I was previously seeing within the Abbott Hospital system.  Every aspect of my health continues to improve.  I am confident that I will be done with my physical therapy process by the beginning of March.  I believe this is a very realistic expectation to have; it seems likely I will complete my shoulder work well before that date.  Setting realistic goals is very important.

I met with my former (and now again current) physical therapist at Abbott Northwestern Hospital to reassess my shoulder.  I simply need some fine tuning now rather than any major work.  What a relief that is!  I want to be able to take up a more high-energy demanding activity like boxing or kick-boxing in the near future.  Once my shoulders are a bit stronger and more stabilized I will have at it.  Pursuing a more expressive and aggressive form of physical activity will also help me with the final resolution of my PTSD.

On that note I plan to ask my psychotherapist to reassess me when I see him tomorrow.  I believe it is very possible that I might be un-diagnosable for PTSD by this coming summer.  What a treat it will be to feel fully restored in mind and body!

I enjoyed a lovely lunch at the Germanic American Institute in St. Paul earlier today.  I went for a number of reasons: 1) I love German food, 2) I wish to expand my network of career contacts and 3) I want to hear others speaking in my mother's language.  It's a good way for me to keep my mind sharp for my future endeavors.

It snowed last night.  But the days are growing longer each day.  This evening I went for a walk with my roommate's dogs.  The nearly full moon illuminated the freshly fallen snow.  It was a striking sight to behold.

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