Monday, January 6, 2014

All Over The Map

Monday, January 6, 2014

For someone who originally thought he would stay in for most of what will likely go down as the coldest day of the winter I sure did get around a lot today. After seeing my chiropractor this morning I hung around downtown a bit and waited to hear back from my therapist. After doing a brief phone consult with him I decided to enjoy the sauna at the downtown YMCA. Considering it was about -13F in the late morning sitting inside a hot room was a fun choice.

I later met up with a friend and spent the afternoon watching a movie, eating dinner and enjoying his company. I just now arrived home and it's already 11:30 P.M. And I need to be up early in the morning to go to my next physical therapy appointment. Oye!

Downtown was fairly empty today due to the bitter cold. The governor of Minnesota called off school today so traffic was unusually light for a Monday...even a Monday shortly after the holidays have come and gone. Later in the day when I again had reason to be outside on my way between destinations I noticed how empty some of the residential streets were. Many people definitely did seem to choose to stay indoors all day long. And the weird thing is that I didn't find the cold "that bad". I suppose I am acclimating well to the cold considering it is only my second winter here in Minnesota.

As I rode two buses home tonight I found myself feeling a bit down. Part of my sadness is a result of my disappointment in the ending of my active membership within the Twin Cities Gay Men's Chorus. I had a much finer first impression of the organization than I now do as I exit and move on with my life. I put time and energy into making new friends, practicing songs and singing in concerts. And of course all members do that. I never dreamed it would end as badly as it did.

I also feel sad because I need more intimacy in my own life and I now feel myself a bit back at square one. But tomorrow is another day.

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