Thursday, January 30, 2014

It's Beginning to Look a lot like Hoth

Thursday, January 30, 2014

So today we're having one of those lovely days when the weather forecast is repeatedly updated and each time an update is made the forecasted snow accumulation goes up.  An original forecast of one to three inches is now revised to four to eight inches.  At least it isn't -15F!  It is a balmy 18F.  But I am beginning to see snow drifts and mounds (from where the plows shove snow) so tall that I cannot see over them.  At least the calendar will switch to one day it will be warm enough to melt all the snow away.  

I've been to my acupuncturist this morning and am waiting to see my chiropractor next.  I am finally basically done with ongoing acupuncture; I only need to return as needed.  So now my calendar opens up a bit more to allow in my new life!

Though much continues to improve in my life other aspects of my recovery are simply going to take more time.  It still feels weird some of the time for me to be so in my body.  I've said it before and I will say it again: When does it no longer feel abnormal to feel normal after having an anxiety disorder for three decades?  Who knows the answer to that one.  I suppose life will continue to feel like an ongoing adventure until that reality shifts.

This afternoon I spoke with the pastor of my MCC congregation about potentially offering a PTSD recovery oriented class that incorporates storytelling as a healing modality.    I enjoyed my conversation with him and will be moving forward with thinking through the finer details of such a class.  I previously had not had the chance to sit down and speak with him personally since I became a member of the congregation this past September.

Tomorrow is the last day of January.  I am looking forward to its end.  It has been the coldest month I have ever lived through.

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