Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Great Start!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

I laughed more yesterday than I have in a very long time.  I finally got the opportunity to play Cards Against Humanity with my friend Carol as well as numerous others.  I had seen friends on Facebook posting pictures about this game but I had no idea just how truly delicious this game was until I tried it.  I won my very first game.  And now I am hooked!  I would love to play it soon as possible.

If my day yesterday was any indication this year will be a very good one indeed.  I saw two guys briefly kiss inside the Panera Bread while I was downtown.  I had a great yoga class with Myra at the downtown YMCA.  And then I joined Carol for some great fun at her home.  I got home late after playing that devilish game for many hours.  As I feel asleep last night I could feel this smile within me.  I am finally feeling very alive now (more than ever before) and I am so excited to see what will unfold in 2014.

I went to see my physical therapist and acupuncturist this morning at HCMC's Parkside Alternative Medicine Clinic.  My left shoulder received some good care; I am going to do my best to use it as little as possible for the remainder of the day.  It feels looser than it has in a very long time.  My muscles need some reeducation so they will function more properly.

I submitted my resignation letter to the Twin Cities Gay Men's Chorus on Tuesday.  I was very happy to do that as well.  I never again will be a part of an organization in which bad behavior is so routinely tolerated as it is within that group.  In my opinion there is ample evidence that some substantial changes need to be made to that organization before it will truly be able to fulfill its stated mission.

It appears that I will be complete with all physical therapy by the end of January.  I am very hopeful this will prove to be true; I believe I simply need to remain committed to my ongoing activities and soon I will not have a calendar filled with health care related appointments.


My psychotherapy session went well today too.  I am at a turning point with the personal work I have been doing.  Now, as I begin to refocus my attention on my career, I need to reorient the focus of my work with my therapist to support this simultaneous career discernment process.  I will be meeting with my job coach again next Wednesday (and I hope to continue meeting with her each week for a period of time) and launching forward.

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