Monday, June 9, 2014

An Inevitable Plateau?

Monday, June 9, 2014

It's a beautiful sunny day outside.  The temperature is quite lovely.  And I feel sad.  I feel so very sad.  It must be the grief within me.  Perhaps it's the fact that I am still adjusting to life without the veneer of trauma.  It's so beautiful outside!  And I am spending my waking hours looking at a computer screen doing yet another job that I could have done when I was seventeen.

When I see my therapist tomorrow I am going to speak with him about my sentiment that I believe my recovery will not be complete until I can make more fundamental changes in my life.  One fundamental transformation I need to make is moving in a new career direction that will ultimately prove satisfying.  I feel so invisible in the work I am currently doing.  I feel like an anonymous person who keeps a seat warm and basks in the glow of a computer screen underneath harsh lighting.  How did this become my life?  I feel that my recovery will inevitably plateau at some point in the near future.  If and when that happens I feel more fundamental changes will have to take place for me to leap to the next level of growth.

I have worked so hard for nearly a year.  I will not have my progress undermined by the circumstances of my current life.  I don't want to rant but I just feel so frustrated with how slowly some aspects of my recovery are progressing.

I need to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather!

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