Friday, July 25, 2014

The Sun Setting Over the Pacific Ocean

Friday, July 25, 2014

I made the wise choice of going out to socialize with friends this evening.  I am glad I did so.  Even though I had a good time I still feel sad.  I always find it sad when people die long before they normally would.  I have experienced a lot of pain in my own life so I empathize with people who experience immense feelings of pain, hopelessness, anxiety and despair.  Sometimes it seems like the challenges we face are insurmountable.  And it can be really difficult to see our circumstances objectively enough to not get pulled down by the undertow of depression.  When life feels like a futile struggle suicide can seem an appealing way out.

After departing from the Saloon Bar tonight I found myself finding solace in memories of the beauty of the Pacific Ocean visible from Hawaii.  I thought about photos I have taken of the sun setting over the Pacific Ocean.  I have enjoyed some amazing experiences in my life.  I have seen some amazingly beautiful places.  I have been blessed with opportunities that do not necessarily come around to too many people.  I have a newfound appreciation for the gift of my eyesight.

If we do live on beyond the death of our bodies I wish the spirit of the man who departed his life recently a serene and beautiful afterlife as amazing as the views I have enjoyed of the Pacific Ocean.

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