Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Incredible (And Long) Journey To A New Beginning

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Every so often I will toggle back through my i-Calendar and look at what was going on one year ago.  I was hoping that this summer would be a bit more joyful and less stressful than it has proven so far.  My life is incredibly wonderful compared to this time last year when I was essentially living in a state of crisis management mode.  Almost exactly a year ago I went for a stress echocardiogram to test the health of my heart.  I was relieved to discover my heart was in very good shape.  I was able to cross one thing off my list of aspects of my physical health I was determined to get checked.

This morning I had my follow up meeting with Vocational Rehabilitation Services at the North Minneapolis Workforce Center.  I received a variety of referrals to help me move onwards to the next stage in the process of rebuilding my life.  I have even been given a referral to help me get more clothing suitable for my professional life.  I have gained about thirty pounds in the last year; I am still fairly slim but certainly not too thin now.  When I arrived at work this morning I felt that sense of quiet, tentative and yet very real hopefulness that a person might feel when the most difficult piece of a journey of healing is finally in the past.  I'm starting to allow myself to nurture greater aspirations for my future.  It will take some time...quite obviously...but I am on my way.

Tomorrow morning I will be visiting with a personal trainer at the downtown YMCA.  One of my goals is to continue my regular gym regimen such that I am in even better physical shape as autumn begins and we slide inevitably towards the next winter season.  I spent so much of last summer simply working to stabilize myself and not allow myself to plummet into the depths of despair.  Looking back it is clear I was in shock for weeks after the unexpected diagnosis I received last June.  I am finally transitioning from crisis management to the mode of rebuilding.

The preciousness of life looks very different for me now.

I hope to get a cat soon.

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