Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20, 1982

Sunday, July 20, 2014

It's Sunday evening now.  I am writing something a bit anecdotal.  Tomorrow marks the beginning of another full week of work.  I remember the Sunday evenings from my childhood when I would return home after visiting with my aunts and uncle over the course of a weekend.  I would feel sad because I didn't want to return home and be around my all too aloof father.

The sadness I experienced in those moments was not something that really received good attention.  It was just another example of my emotional health not receiving sufficient attention.

The depression I experienced last year now feels like a mere distant memory.  To use the language used by Judith Herman in describing certain indicators of 'complex PTSD' I experience less emotional dysregulation.  The sadness and grief persist though.  They are thankfully not becoming worse.  I sense I will nonetheless need another six months (at least) of weekly sessions with my therapist to reach a deeper degree of strength and resilience.  Healing takes time.

With the month of August looming in the near future it's only natural that my thoughts are occasionally drifting to the coming season of autumn.  And yet to the best of my ability I want to enjoy this summer while it is here.

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