Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Circle Is Complete: The Beginning of "Year Two" Has Arrived

July 1, 2014

Today marks the end of the first year of my blog writing.  I eventually intend my blog to serve as the seed for something much bigger.  That idea is gradually taking form now.  

Here is something I wrote one year ago today.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Since my PTSD diagnosis last week I have developed some insight into the nature of what still troubles me.  I have begun having somatic memories of the earliest years of my life in which my mother was beginning to suffer her schizophrenic breakdown.  Though I had barely any ability to form words so early in life it is nonetheless clear to me that I felt a high level of anxiety as my mother’s breakdown began.  And I realize that I was also somehow aware of the high level of anxiety and stress my father suffered when my mother’s breakdown began.  I feel that I did not get sufficient attention to develop in a healthy way. 

Since I received my PTSD diagnosis I can see that I am reframing my life and how I think about it.  One decision I have made as a result of the diagnosis is to list out my priorities and pursue those desires I am passionate about.  This led me to inquire about the possibility of meeting someone I first met on diaper-bois.com about two years ago.  I have long fantasized about being his diaper boy for a day, a weekend, a month, even more.  Unfortunately that doesn’t seem too likely now given his relationship status.  But I decided to nonetheless ask for the opportunity to meet him for a short period of time.  It is something I have wanted to experience for a long while.

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