Thursday, July 3, 2014

Playing Detective

Thursday, July 3, 2014

I put on my advocate hat again this morning and reached out to some local staff here at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in the hope of doing a bit more detective work.  My guiding question is this: 'What is the current standard of care for people admitted to an Emergency Room environment for traumatic and/or life threatening injuries that are attributable to incidents of domestic violence?'  I want to know because the eight year old boy I was in the summer of 1982 still feels haunted by what did and did not happen in the aftermath of my father's near murder in early June.

I no longer hold out any hope that I will ever get any substantial answers from my father.  And even if he did answer my questions I would find it difficult to trust he was being honest.  Such is the depth of the wounding of my capacity to trust that resulted from this horrific incident from thirty-two years ago.  I am still working to rebuild my capacity to trust now.  I am making excellent progress but it is nonetheless a long road.

I hope to get an appointment with an ER physician here at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in the next week or two so I can enhance my knowledge about the timely issue of gun violence and what the standard of care is (at least here in Minnesota) for people impacted by gun violence who are brought to ERs for care.

I'm going to be off-grid for the next few days.  I plan to write again on Sunday.

Onward and upward!

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