Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Now Featuring: Winter

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I expect today to be a full and productive day.  And I am already awake before 6 am so how could it not be?  I peaked outside a little earlier and confirmed for myself that winter has arrived for a long stay. It's snowing over about a dozen states in the middle of the country right now; in a few days the air temperature here may reach -20F.  The world outside certainly appears ready to welcome Christmas.

Though I feel so much better than I did in June of this year I sense the next several months will nonetheless test my resolve.  Winters in Minnesota, even in the age of human induced climate change, are nothing to joke about.  Dress too scantily and you might just suffer frostbite in the, well, biting cold wind.  I intend to remain committed to my exercise regimen and broader suite of recovery oriented practices throughout the heart of winter.  This might not prove easy to do but I am determined to nonetheless.  This morning, for instance, I intend to go to my core conditioning class at the YMCA.  Thereafter I will do some swimming and probably sit in the sauna and dream of warmth.  Later comes my support group at Abbott Hospital and then my men's group this evening.  And I am planning to do all of this as it continues to snow.

The difference between my health this winter and last winter is truly noteworthy.  I am so very grateful to be in treatment and enjoying the benefits of great health insurance.  I have a vitamin D prescription to ensure I do not develop a case of the winter blues.  Between that, the anti-depressant medication, the light therapy, the psychotherapy and the writing I am confident I will emerge from this winter a much different person as compared to last spring.

When I began this blog I intended it to be a forum for those interested in finding ways to accentuate their own healing journeys.  Winter in the north can prove an especially challenging time.  And so I ask you, my readers, to share with me your own strategies for surviving and even thriving in this season of darkness and hibernation.  What do you enjoy doing and what are the ways you cope with this most physically taxing of seasons?

One hobby I am looking to take up is ice skating.  I enjoyed ice skating as a kid.  Of course growing up in Texas I had to do it in the mall because it rarely is below freezing long enough for the outside lakes to freeze.  I have heard there are some great locations around the Twin Cities to enjoy this winter activity.  Any other suggestions? :) 

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