Thursday, December 5, 2013

An Important Day

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Today is an important day.  I will finally have the opportunity to address a matter that has been causing me some unfortunate stress and thereby hindering my recovery process.  Today I will be meeting with the Executive Committee of a local arts organization to address an ongoing problem of harassment I began experiencing this past summer.  The issue began after I publicly expressed my reservations about another member who was competing for a role within the administration back in June.

Anger has been one of my primary challenges in my life.  It's no wonder I have carried an undue load of anger around with me considering my life history.  It is my intention to find healthy ways to address the root causes of my anger (which almost exclusively derive from my earliest years) so that I can fully heal.

Later this morning I will be going to an appointment for cranial-sacral therapy.  I was recommended to consider trying this type of treatment when I went to visit my massage therapist recently.  My intuition tells me this may prove to be a very good alternative therapy for me to use.


My initial assessment with the physical therapist at HCMC went well.  I am scheduled for two appointments per week for the next three weeks.  I even will need to be up early the morning after Christmas for the sixth of the six appointments I scheduled.  I really enjoyed the 'bedside manner' of the physical therapist I was referred to.  It's going to be exciting to see how my PTSD healing process progresses as I now add in this additional complement of care.

Yet despite my excitement I am also aware of that deep sadness and grief I have carried around for so long.  I was planning to go meet with a friend and discuss with her the possibility of being short-term housemates this afternoon.  Then I decided to intimately check in with my body and I felt the strong feeling to slow down for today and not go if I do not have to.  I need to pace myself and make changes in a manageable and realistic manner.  If there is no real need to push myself too hard then why should I?  I will admit I also simply do not feel like being out in the 5F weather; tonight it will be dropping down below 0F.  (The lakes around the area will at least be flash freezing so we can soon start ice skating!)


My meeting went fairly well.  I will write about it more in Friday's post.

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