Friday, December 13, 2013


Friday, December 13, 2013

I have made excellent progress on my research project which I put on hold this past summer after my unexpected diagnosis.  I expect I will indeed have it complete in time for submission next week.  I am so incredibly relieved to finally be clearing this project off my proverbial plate.  There have been moments in the last five months when it occasionally felt like something of a millstone around my neck. I really enjoyed the opportunity to go to Germany in May and hope to return again in the future for a longer period of time.  I just was not planning for all that followed upon my return to the States on June 1st.  What surprises there were awaiting me!

Today has been an overcast and very chilly day.  It has been ideal for staying inside and working on my research project report.  And yet despite the gloom and killing cold I still feel quite good.  In a few days I will begin attending a different YMCA location (the one in downtown Minneapolis).  I am going to miss some of the instructors at the Blaisdell YMCA.  In a mere four months I developed a really solid routine and found myself able to quickly recover from the physical health issues that were plaguing me.

I had an amazing time last night when I attended a service, dinner and Employment Ministry event at the Basilica of St. Mary.  I was first referred there after going to a reemployment session I was required to attend at the South Minneapolis Workforce Center.  I was absolutely stunned when I entered the Basilica itself and was able to enjoy the beauty of its interior.  Though I long ago left behind being at all active in the Catholic Church (or even believing in its core teachings) I still find it easy to appreciate the beauty of architecture and thoughtful design that can be found in many churches.  At one point I found myself looking around in awe and again aware of being fully present in my body.  A huge advent wreath hung suspended from the basilica ceiling.  I tried to imagine how one could actually light the candles sitting atop the wreath.

I made some good contacts at the event and feel even more optimistic that I will soon be well on my way to a new career.  As my physical and mental health have improved I have rediscovered my personal vitality and belief in my my ability to make my life eventually reflect my greatest dreams I hold in my heart.

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