Sunday, November 24, 2013


Sunday, November 24, 2013

As the beauty of fall quickly fades in preparation for the more monochromatic tones of winter I find myself spending some time each day seeking to ponder what is beautiful about winter.  I do not dislike winter but I also can honestly say it is not my 'favorite' season.  I do not even know if I have a favorite season.

One interesting quality of winter is the nature of its associated sounds.  Because the quality of the atmosphere changes (the temperature profile in the lowest layer known as the troposphere becomes cooler) the behavior of sound waves changes as well.  Have you ever noticed how much difference there can be in the sound of an airplane taking off on a warm, humid summer day as compared to nightfall on the coldest nights of the year?  Because there is relative silence outdoors in winter (due to the hibernation of most of the animal and plant world) it seems as if the sounds we do hear are all the more magnified and sharp.  For example, as I type this I am noticing the sound of crows outside my window.  I often think of autumn as the season for crows, ravens and the like.

One blessing of the winter season is this relative silence.  The background noise of the world (both outdoors and inside our own homes) softens and mellows.  It becomes more burdensome and thus less appealing to stay outdoors (at least for extremely long stretches of time).  Granted the lovers of the winter season prove to be the exception to my generalization.  But overall I feel my observation is correct.  As the exuberance of the natural world's peak season of summer becomes a fleeting memory we find ourselves offered the opportunity to utilize the pervasive stillness to look within ourselves.

I am looking within myself now and leafing through my interior archive.  One way I am finally more deeply honoring myself is acknowledging the appeal of the trickster archetype in my personal psychology.  I have long found the trickster archetype fascinating and I recognize my fascination is due in part to my identification with the major qualities found in the trickster.  In the coming weeks and months I intend to continue brainstorming a vision of my future work and life.  As I undertake this process I invite the power of the trickster to inform my evolution!

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