Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Going Under

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I did some hypnosis work with my therapist during my session this evening.

My therapist decided to ‘take me under’ after I spoke to him a bit about my life lately.  I am doing my best to maintain a positive attitude.  It has been a bit difficult lately.  Suicide has entered the American cultural discourse since Robin Williams’ death two days ago.  Suicide can often leave many people hurting in its aftermath.

Lately I have been focusing a lot of attention on that eighteen month stretch of my childhood from June, 1982 to December, 1983.  I discovered some valuable wisdom in the work of Rudolf Steiner after being pointed in his direction by the shamanic practitioner I went to see last November.

One of the places I carry excessive stress is in my stomach.  I want to unlearn previously unconscious ways of coping that unduly stress my stomach.  Interestingly enough my therapist also recommended breathwork.  I have undertaken training in breathwork in the past.  I also have experienced the powerful benefits of breathwork as a client.  I’ll have to give this idea a bit more thought.

The slow fade towards the coming season of Autumn is already taking place.  The foliage and flowers are still brilliant but the days are growing shorter.  The sun is becoming a seemingly lazy visitor to the eastern sky later and later each morning.  It’s good that I am working again.  One benefit lies in the fact that I do not have very much time to ruminate on matters I have no control over.

I still feel that oceanic sadness I felt yesterday.  And yet it doesn’t feel quite so overwhelming as it did.  Preventable death is nonetheless so sad.  There are many who needlessly suffer day in and day out.  Some might argue that suicide cannot be easily prevented given that so many factors can play a role in the lives of those people who ultimately end their own lives.  And I tend to agree with this perspective.  And yet sometimes the smallest of gestures will prove invaluable to another person.  A kind word, a helping hand or a smile can do wonders to uplift those who are feeling down.

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