Saturday, August 16, 2014

A Much Needed Pause

Saturday, August 16, 2014

I find myself wanting to offer a daily post that is at least a bit lighthearted due to the fact that it's a Saturday morning.  And yet the news this last week has been anything but gratifying to follow.  Indeed I have found it very discouraging to follow world events. In the last week the following news stories have been prominent: the ongoing outrage over the death of a black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri, the virtual bloodbath and chaos in Iraq and Afghanistan as noted here, here and here (and many, many more places in the media), the suicide of Robin Williams and subsequent revelations that he had Parkinson's disease, the long ongoing August recess of our incredibly unproductive Congress, the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine and the Ebola virus outbreak which the WHO recently noted was potentially vastly underestimated.  Following the news at all closely is enough to make anyone want to hide under their bedding and take a week long media fast.

With my position within the Abbott Northwestern Hospital Medical Staff Office now complete I can enjoy the gift of having some time off.  It is most welcome too.  I am contemplating what I will do next week during the interim week before I expect to start a new position on Monday, August 25th.

I still feel a lot of apathy lately.  It's quite obvious to me I am really starting to tap into the feelings of alienation, apathy and sorrow I carried around for so much of my childhood.  Repairing the darkness that had festered too long in my psyche is not a simple matter.  As I have noted before it is a process.  Lately I think the process is going well because my progress still continues.  And I think the continuance of my progress is also impressive considering that I haven't felt very physically robust in the last two weeks.  But at least my trainer is giving me some good workouts!  I was still quite sore yesterday as a result of my session on Wednesday morning.

Sometimes the best way to live, especially while you are in an active process of personal recovery, is to focus primarily on your own matters and leave the world outside your walls to itself.

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