Monday, October 21, 2013

Love is the Great Work

Monday October 21, 2013

My apologies to anyone out there who sought out my blog over the weekend and noticed I had not written anything.  It's been an eventful weekend that just ended.  It has also been a distracting one.  I am currently experiencing some circumstances that I would prefer not to be living through.  Thankfully I am still intact and I expect to be so in the future as well.  I'll save the details of these recent developments for another time.

While visiting my therapist today I was inspired by a quote from Hafiz: "Love is the great work but every heart is first an apprentice".  Love is indeed the greatest challenge that we can apprentice with throughout our lives.  In my opinion it is the purpose for our being.  Love is the greatest teacher.  And it is usually easier to write these words than engage with the world in a supremely loving way on a consistent basis.  Love is our greatest challenge and our greatest reward.

I had several productive appointments today.  My last appointment was a visit with a shamanic practitioner.  I feel doing some work outside of the explicit realm of Western medicine will prove very helpful to me.  I sense this intuitively.  And because I have come to appreciate the power and importance of listening to my intuition I try my best to listen to it faithfully now.

I cannot write more at the present time but I will do my best to keep writing this week.


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