Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Time of Change

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I took my customary morning walk around the nearby park today.  It was easy to recall the title of a book I have never read but have always wanted to just based on the title alone: In September The Light Changes.  The light is indeed changing.  The time of year near the equinoxes is that time when we lose or gain light at the most rapid pace.  I do not find it as easy to awaken early in the mornings now because the mornings are quite dark until nearly 7 a.m.

As autumn takes hold and the greens of summer begin their inevitable fading away I realize that I myself am going through a period of adjustment and change.  I have adjusted to the primary event of the summer that I was not expecting.  That event is most naturally my diagnosis that I was not expecting to receive.  As I began to settle into restructuring my life in response to this development I struggled (as I believe many ultimately do) with just how I think of myself and how I set my short term and longer term goals.  I often wondered what was realistic to work towards.  I find this inner process is beginning to "mellow out" a bit now that the original shock is gone.

I have been very fortunate to enjoy the generosity of some amazing friends as well as strangers.  Because of their generosity and my own determination I will be making a trip to Hawaii next week to assist with the reforestation project work of the Hui Ho'olana Healing Arts Center on the island of Moloka'i.  I cannot easily state in words how excited I am to go.  I am giving myself the gift of this experience in part to find a way to contribute something more to the beautiful Hawaiian islands.  Hawaii has a special place in my heart.  And I am also making this journey to find a more intensive way to address the PTSD condition I was diagnosed with in June.  I plan to document my daily experiences while in Hawaii.  I will have Internet access on site and plan to write a bit each day.

It will be interesting to return to Minnesota around the beginning of November.  It's not exactly the ideal time of year to relocate here to this part of the world.  Darkness and cold grow strong in the northland by that time of year.


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