Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Calgon, Take Me Away! I Wash My Hands Of It

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I think the expression "I am washing my hands of it" was made popular due to the Biblical story of Pontius Pilate washing his hands of his role in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Regardless of the historical veracity of this story (I do not know that I believe in the historical Jesus) the expression is a great one to use as I say goodbye to the year 2013. It will be one forever etched in my memory I do believe.

I am cleaning out the dross of the past to open myself to an amazing new future. And one action I am taking among many is severing my ties with the Twin Cities Gay Men's Chorus. I have previously never actually named the organization. I feel comfortable doing so now. I met some amazing men in that organization. They know who they are. I also met some individuals so apparently devoid of compassion I wouldn't wish them to cross my path again...nor the paths of anyone I care about. It's sad when "bad apples" spoil the whole bunch. My now former landlord, who is on the Board of Directors of this organization, did not even acknowledge one of the primary issues I had with him (his failure to properly inform me how to care for one of his dogs) when he responded to an email I sent him recently. Apparently he is that dysfunctional that he will not even acknowledge responsibility for his own negligent behavior. It's so incredibly sad.

But it is time for me to move on now. I am free of that situation. As 2014 begins I am going to continue to excise from my life all that does not serve my highest good. I no longer wish to be in the company of narcissists, liars and those devoid of compassion and empathy. This can be a challenging task to pursue given how much pain and suffering there is in the world but I finally feel within myself a strength I have not felt in my life. Now that I am strong enough to do so I will work diligently to strip out all other problems from my life. This doesn't mean there will not be 'problems' to deal with on occasion but I do feel more 'up to the challenge' now that I feel myself awake in a way I never have been before. It still feels a bit weird to awaken from an anxiety disorder I had for decades.

Taking a deep breath in and releasing it I release the past and all that it was. It no longer holds a claim on me. It has brought me to this wondrous moment known as the present. I will move forward with a renewed and deeper faith in my ability to take care of myself.

Happy New Year!

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