Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Body and Psyche

Thursday, August 14, 2014

An article I recently found on the Psychology Today blog speaks about the phenomenon of somatization.  Somatization is defined as "the tendency to experience psychological distress in the form of physical symptoms."  I sense that I have a tendency to somatize some of my stress and that I have had this tendency since I was a kid.  When I get stressed the stress has a way of doing a number on the function of my stomach.

I went to see my primary care doctor for a follow up appointment today.  I went a week ago as well.  I have been feeling a bit out of sorts for the last ten days or so.  I have nonetheless gone to work every day (with the exception of last Wednesday), gone to see my personal trainer and so on.  Despite the fact that my stomach has frequently bothered me in the last few weeks I spent minimal time talking about the discomfort when I met with my doctor.  I am convinced one of the best ways to deal with my stomach is to continue to do psychotherapy as a means of plumbing the depths of my psyche to unearth the pain I buried a long time ago.

Despite my recent and persistent malaise I nonetheless had an exceedingly productive day.  The highlight of my day was an interview I had with staff of the Abbott Northwestern Hospital Foundation. I have a second interview scheduled for next Monday.  I feel quite confident I will be offered the position.  This prospect significantly brightened up my mood.  I feel that my life is finally decisively moving in a very promising direction.

The adventure of our psychic lives shows itself in the physical forms of our bodies.  I am discovering an endurance and strength I did not know I previously possessed.  And I am also learning how deeply I can still mold my body.  Both the body and the mind can be transformed through the concerted focus we can bring to bear with our will.  Some time in the near future I will write about the related phenomenon of neuroplasticity.

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