Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Outsider Phenomenon

Thursday, March 19, 2015

I suppose my entry today is going to be a continuation of my comments yesterday about the value of belonging.

To feel that you are an outsider is to feel the opposite of how you feel when you feel you truly belong.  I often have felt like an outsider.  But how true is this perception of myself? And when I walk into a new situation what sort of expectations am I bringing with me? If I expect to feel like an outsider won't I make it that much more likely that I will create an experience for myself that only reinforces my existing notions about myself and the world around me?

I want to put aside this wrong way of viewing the world and what I can expect to experience.


Three of the members of my morning program graduated today.  I have three weeks remaining in the program.  I hope and plan to return next week.  I feel sad that such a large portion of our group is moving on.  Next Monday will be a very different experience.

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