Saturday, April 25, 2015

Fresh Beginnings

Saturday, April 25, 2015

It has been mild enough for a long enough time that the trees, shrubs and grasses are finally beginning to green up.  We had such a dry winter that there is some concern about drought persisting or intensifying here in Minnesota throughout the coming summer.  We have been fortunate to benefit from some rain recently.  It's a consoling thing to see the world come alive with a mantle of green growing day by day.

Spring is a time of new beginnings.  It can be an auspicious time for cleansing out that which no longer serves you and cultivating new practices to enrich your life.  I continue to faithfully follow some of my longstanding daily practices.  And I am still following a more recent addition.  At the beginning of the month I began a daily practice of writing down what I am grateful for.  I stuff the sheet of paper listing my gratitude into a vase.  As the days and weeks pass I can see the power of my gratitude accumulating in the vase.  It's a nice feeling.

I was fortunate to be able to reclaim my computer earlier than I was first expecting I would. This was made possible by the generosity of the Basilica of St. Mary.

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